12 Commandments Of Organisational Success - #1

Welcome to Peak Performance Post with actionable tips and advice to help you and your team perform at the top of your game.

In this video, I will be talking about the first commandment of a series – The 12 Commandments Of Organisational Success. Watch the video if you want to find out how.

You can check out the video or read the transcript below.


Welcome to this series on the 12 commandments of organisational success.

In all the the organisations I’ve been involved in, through education, through sport, for not for profits, for small, medium large, national, international businesses, I’ve seen a thing with those organisations that are successful, that get them to produce high-performance continually and I’d like to bring those to you.

The first one today is clarity. In this modern world we have a 24 times seven news cycle. We have everybody trying to get your attention. So many people trying to get in your face.

And if you’re a business owner or you’re a C level executive, I understand that you’re being pulled in all directions. There’s a lot of pain points for you.

If you haven’t got clarity with your staff, if you haven’t got clarity with your direction, if your customers aren’t clear about what you’re providing, you are going to have a lot of issues, a lot of problems.

You are going to be pulled in lots of directions. If you’ve got real clarity, then you can actually narrow it down, cut out the things that aren’t important and really specialise and look at the things that you really need to do.

If you wanna know more about how you can have clarity within your business, cut out the pain points, be successful, have sustained success, contact me at simonmadden.com.au.